Leaf Credit Solutions: How to Help Yourself Repair Your Credit

Top tips on how to improve your credit score from the best credit repair company in New Jersey

When it comes to repairing or improving your credit score, it can easily feel as if you’re doing more harm than good. Your credit score is carefully calculated by considering multiple factors of your financial life, each carrying its own value of importance. However, at Leaf Credit Solutions, we believe that repairing your own credit shouldn’t feel like rocket science, especially considering the added financial strain, stress, and limitations that a bad credit score can have on your life. 

Should you opt-in for a credit repair company to fix your score?

Although we believe that each individual should be able to easily repair their own credit, we also understand the process can feel tricky and time-consuming. Using a professional credit repair company ensures that you’re using the best strategy for your personal credit and financial history. When it comes to your finances, we believe in getting it right on the first try, so you can reap the benefits of a good credit score as soon as possible. Curious about how we achieve our successful results? our 7 steps process is the key to the results our clients see. Take a look at our detailed total credit transformation formula here.

With Leaf Credit Solutions, sustainable, affordable, and effective credit repair has never been easier. Benefit from our industry knowledge, experience, and highly-skilled team of professionals and get your financial future back on track. Remove the burden of credit problems

so you can enjoy life without limitations – here’s how: 

Tip One: Check your credit report score

When it comes to credit repair, ignorance is not bliss. The best strategy to repair your credit is by knowing what’s happening. Many people are uninformed when it comes to the details of their credit report, which ultimately makes it extremely difficult to repair. How can you improve when you don’t know where your errors are? If you want to increase a low credit score, the first step is to look at your credit report and review it for accuracy. Checking your own credit score is what is referred to as a ‘soft inquiry’ on your credit and will not impact your score. At Leaf Credit Solutions we help you get all 3 credit reports. We review your credit, create a plan to fix it, and share it all during a 1v1 call.

Tip Two: Pay your bills on time

This may seem like an obvious tip, however, it should be noted that even the best credit repair agencies in the world will not be able to fully restore your credit or implement a fool-proof strategy if you do not pay your bills on time. Late payments have a tendency of haunting your credit score for up to seven years – hence the importance of timely payments. However, we understand that life happens and mistakes are easily made. If you’ve missed a payment it’s important to know that your credit score is not eternally doomed. Make sure you pay your bill as soon as possible, contact your creditor and ask if the creditor will consider no longer reporting the missed payment to the credit bureaus. 

Tip Three: Dispute and fix any errors

Unfortunately, mistakes from credit bureaus can happen more often than one would like to believe. That’s why it’s crucial to dispute and fix any errors that may be negatively impacting your credit score. According to the Federal Trade Commission, one study showed that up to 25% of people had errors on their credit reports and 5% of people have errors that were negatively impacting their likelihood of approved loans. It should also be noted that if you’re disputing several items on your credit report, only put one dispute in each letter. The credit bureau can easily become suspicious if there are to many disputes in too short a space of time. This might imply that they are frivolous and not of huge concern. 

Tip Four: Keep your credit utilization ratio below 30%

Although tempting, it’s ill-advised to utilize the full value or limit of your credit. Credit Bureaus favor scores that keep their credit utilization below 30%. This is measured by comparing your credit card balances to your overall credit card limit. The reason for this is that a low credit utilization percentage indicates that your finances are managed well and that you are at low risk of not being able to pay your bills on time or exceeding the limit. 

Tip Five: Don’t close old credit card accounts

Although it might feel tempting to close old credit cards once they’re paid off, it may prove more beneficial to keep them open. Your credit history makes up 15% of your credit score. Keeping previously paid-off credit cards open showcases a healthy and long credit history that will ultimately count in your favor. 

Tip Six: Learn what things hurt your credit score.

Knowing what can hurt your credit score is just as important as what can help repair it. Take a cautious approach when applying for loans, and be sure to employ strict spending habits. We believe that prevention is better than damage control and that knowing what can negatively affect your credit score can help you steer clear of making any unnecessary errors. That being said, it may be helpful to ask for insights, advice, and support from a credit repair company to help you improve your credit. Many people only seek out help once they’re in a difficult position. Whereas implementing the best strategies even when you have a healthy credit score will enable you to qualify for bigger and better opportunities down the line. 

Tip Seven: Know when to file for bankruptcy

If you’re in a position where bankruptcy is inevitable, it’s recommended that you file sooner rather than later to help you get back on track as soon as possible. Wasting time on multiple strategies that may not work will only delay the process of rebuilding your finances. Although one should always remain proactive and hopeful, we encourage individuals to stay realistic when it comes to restoring their credit. We value transparency and results-driven strategies to help support you. That’s why we won’t waste any time dancing around the point or allow you to waste money on strategies with a low likelihood of success. 

Tip Eight: Stay in the loop

Knowledge is power, and if you’ve made it this far in the article we’re sure you can appreciate the importance of educating yourself through helpful resources when it comes to taking responsibility for your own credit and repair strategy. If you enjoyed this read and would like to stay informed on the most recent strategies, news, and industry tips and tricks on how to improve your credit, take a look at our blog here

Would you prefer getting it right the first time? We can help. Allow us to repair your credit, so you can focus on living your life without limitations. We can help remove negative accounts, stop debt collectors, and help you rebuild credit so you can live the life you deserve. Our 7 step credit transformation process will take you from bad or mediocre credit to excellent credit within just a few months. For more information on our credit repair services, connect with us here: Alternatively, if you still have some questions that we didn’t answer, please feel free to reach out to us and one of our team members would gladly talk you through any questions or concerns you may have on how to repair your credit by yourself.